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What is tire retreading?

Retreading is a re-manufacturing process that involves replacing worn tread. This process preserves approximately 90% of the material in spent tires, for about 20% of the material cost involved in manufacturing a new tire. Retreading is a safe, eco-friendly option for airplanes, race cars, buses, and delivery trucks looking to get more out of their tire investments, and it’s becoming increasingly popular outside of these industries.

Is tire retreading safe?

Yes! Nearly 80% of the world’s airlines and off-road, heavy-duty vehicles use retreaded tires. Nearly all tire-related accidents result from poor maintenance (e.g. bald or underinflated tires), not tire retreading. Moreover, according to a seminal 2009 study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “most rubber on the road is the result of poor tire maintenance, not retreaded tires.”

How do I know if my tires are suitable for retreading?

Generally speaking, the following tires are unsuitable for tire retreading:

  • Tires that have been run underinflated
  • Tires with less than 4/32” of tread left
  • Tires that have not been properly maintained
  • Tires that cannot endure a useful second or third life

Ultimately, only your tire retreading specialist can make this determination. To find out whether your tires are suitable, contact your local TIRECRAFT and book an inspection with our retreading specialists.

Save money with retread tires at your local TIRECRAFT

Tire repair and replacement represents one of the largest operating costs for most fleets.  If you’re looking to increase your bottom-line and get more out of your fleet’s annual tire budget, without compromising safety and performance, consider tire retreading today. Retread tires perform on par with new sets, but at a lower cost-per-mile. Last year alone, retread truck tires yielded nearly $2-billion in savings for truckers and trucking companies in North America.

Retread tires dealers near me—Contact your local TIRECRAFT

Want to learn more about retreading tires? Ready to browse some different retread tires for sale? Contact your local TIRECRAFT to get started.