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Cooper CS5 Ultra Touring All Season Tires


Cooper CS5 Ultra-Touring all season tires were built to provide reliable and comfortable performance to a new class of sport and luxury sedans, vans and small SUV’s. This model maxes out with an available 96,000 km limited tread life warranty and, depending on your speed rating, that should help protect your investment.

Features of Cooper CS5 Ultra-Touring All Season Tires

Cooper has produced the CS5 with a variety of smart new technologies that make ownership easy. It comes with the Wear Square visual wear indicator that depicts just how much life you still have left in your tires. The Wear Square indicator can also be used to diagnose if your tires have any other wear issues such as being out of alignment.

The rubber compound now contains over 4 times the amount of silica as the previous generation. This new Generation Coupled Silica Compound gives the tire exceptional wet and cold weather traction.

The 3D micro Gauge Grooves will lock together during manoeuvring to prevent tread blocks from collapsing. This keeps each biting edge open for even more traction in every situation. Stabiledge construction places a bumper in optimized locations throughout the tread pattern to keep each element stable and responsive for faster handling.

Choosing Cooper CS5 Ultra-Touring All Season Tires

If your vehicle needs superior traction and a higher speed rating capability, the comfortable and quiet Cooper CS5 Ultra Touring Tire is an excellent choice.