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Commercial Vehicle Wheel Alignments

Research by the Ontario Trucking Association indicates that commercial tire alignment service pays dividends for fleet managers, increasing tire mileage, enhancing fuel economy, decreasing component wear, and improving driver comfort and safety.

And yet, most commercial vehicle analysts estimate that as many as 80% of Class 8 trucks on the road today are driving with alignment problems.

If you’re ready to treat your fleet to the maintenance it deserves, TIRECRAFT can help.

What is commercial vehicle wheel alignment?

Put simply, commercial wheel alignment is about adjusting the angle of your wheels so that they meet your vehicle manufacturer’s original specifications. This involves adjusting the castor angle, camber angle, and the toe of your vehicle’s tires, which requires special tools and expertise.

Poor commercial vehicle wheel alignment usually shows up as uneven wear on steer tires, but these problems often originate in the drive or trailer axles, which can have a huge effect on overall performance and vehicle safety. You should book a commercial vehicle wheel alignment service if you observe irregular tire wear, if your steering wheel is not centered, if your vehicle pulls to one side or the other, or if your handling feels loose.

Additionally, you should book a commercial vehicle tire alignment if:

  • Your fleet vehicles have recently had tires changed
  • Your fleet vehicles have recently been involved in an accident or collision
  • Your fleet vehicles have had work done on the steering or suspension

Control fleet costs with commercial tire alignment services

Commercial tire alignment can save you money at the pump, extend tread life, and control long-term repair costs related to component wear.

In fact, by ensuring correct toe alignment on your commercial vehicle—in conjunction with proper air pressure and axle alignment—you can prevent up to 95% of irregular tire wear.

But don’t take our word for it—the money-saving potential of commercial tire alignment is borne out by a large body of research. For example, a 2019 study showed that commercial vehicle fuel performance “depends on road conditions and wheel alignment.” Additionally, the experimental investigation revealed that “the impact on suspension system components… was significantly improved by proper wheel alignment.”

Book commercial truck alignment near me—Call TIRECRAFT!

Contact your local TIRECRAFT to get in touch with a commercial vehicle wheel alignment specialist and treat your fleet to some much-needed maintenance!