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Staying Safe When Driving at Night: Our Top 5 Tips

For many people, driving at night can be a real challenge. Whether it’s the bright lights of oncoming traffic shining in your eyes, the concern over animals (or people) darting into the road, or a fear of missing your turn and getting lost, there are any number of reasons people may prefer to drive during the day. Unfortunately, there will always be situations where you may have to hit the road after the sun goes down, and for times like those, we’ve compiled a list of our top five tips to help you stay safe.

1. Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Above all else, the most important thing you can do when driving at night is always stay alert and keep your eyes on the road. Before you start your vehicle, make sure you’re awake and alert. Once you’re on the road, avoid fiddling with your phone and other gadgets, or looking directly into the headlights of oncoming traffic, as this can distract and impede your vision.

2. Bring a Friend Along for the Drive

It’s always great to have someone else in the vehicle with you, especially when driving at night. Not only can they offer an extra set of eyes to watch the road, they can also provide stimulating conversation to help stave off boredom or drowsiness.

3. Use Technology to Keep You Safe

Investing in a GPS navigation system can be very helpful at any time of day but especially at night when landmarks and exit signs may be difficult to see. If you do end up getting lost or having vehicle trouble, pull over and use your cell phone to call for assistance.

4. Always Keep an Emergency Kit in Your Vehicle

Often, people are nervous to drive at night because they’re concerned about getting stranded. Having an emergency kit in your vehicle can go a long way in alleviating this fear, as well as help ensure you’ve got everything you need should you experience vehicle trouble at night. Your emergency kit should include:

  • Jumper cables
  • A flashlight and extra batteries
  • A quart of oil
  • Water and snacks
  • A portable toolkit
  • Blankets
  • Tire sealant

Of course, you can always add more to your emergency kit so that it meets your needs. For example, if you’re doing a lot of night driving, consider adding emergency flares.

5. Make Sure Your Vehicle is in the Best Shape Possible

Day or night, it’s important to ensure the safety of your vehicle—and that’s where TIRECRAFT can help. When you stop into your local TIRECRAFT , our team can make sure your car is prepared for night driving. We can perform routine maintenance, adjust and replace your headlights, inspect your brakes, and more!

There’s no doubt about it, when you’re adequately prepared and know your vehicle is safe, you’ll be far more confident while driving at night. For more driving tips, be sure to check out our great collection of resources, or talk to a local TIRECRAFT expert today!


