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TIRECRAFT’s Top Recommendations For Prolonging Your Vehicle’s Lifespan Through Car Maintenance

Every car owner hopes their vehicle will run smoothly for many years. At TIRECRAFT, we’ve learned a lot about cars over the years. In this guide, we will give you our best tips to help you care for your car.

Understanding Car Maintenance

Vital for the longevity and smooth operation of your vehicle. These preventative measures avoid bigger issues in the long run. Often times, people may be unfamiliar and get overwhelmed when it comes to car maintenance.  Most people tend to ignore their vehicle’s maintenance until a noticeable problem arises.  It is important to check and address these issues before they start, as they are often faster and cheaper to solve than a bigger mechanical problem that was left ignored. At TIRECRAFT, we assist you in determining potential risks and guide you every step of the way.

TIRECRAFT’s Top Recommendations For Car Maintenance

Change the Oil Often: Regular oil changes improve your engine’s overall performance. They ensure your vehicle functions properly, extending longevity and reducing unnecessary strain which results in higher fuel consumption.

Look After Your Tires: Tires are key. They touch the road and help you steer and stop. Check them often. Make sure they have enough air and aren’t too worn out. If they’re old or damaged, it’s time for new ones. Rotating your tires helps them wear evenly and last longer.

Check Your Brakes: Brakes help you stop safely. Make sure they work well. If they make a strange noise or the car takes too long to stop, check the brakes.

Take Care of the Battery: When you start your car, the battery works to start the engine. But batteries don’t last forever. Check the battery often. Look for build-up and make sure it’s tight. If the car is hard to start or the lights are dim, you might need a new battery.

Check All the Fluids: Cars need different fluids to run well. These fluids cool the engine, help with braking, and make steering easy. Check these levels every month. If they’re low, fill them up.

Change the Air Filter: The air filter keeps the engine clean. A dirty one can make the engine use more fuel. Check it when you change the oil. If it’s dirty, replace it.

Clean Your Car: Dirt and salt can hurt your car’s paint. This can lead to rust. Wash your car often to protect it. Waxing it a few times a year adds more protection.

Get Ready for Different Seasons: Weather can be tough on cars. Cold and salt in the winter can damage your vehicle. Hot sun in summer can fade the paint. Before each season, make sure your car is properly equipped.

Why It’s Good To Get Help From Professionals Like TIRECRAFT

Cars can be tricky. Even if you know a lot, sometimes you need help. Experts at TIRECRAFT have the right tools and know-how. They can spot and fix problems. Getting your car checked by professionals can save you money and keep your car safe.

Remember, with expert help, taking care of your car is easier. If you have a problem or a question, call us, set up an appointment, or visit a nearest TIRECRAFT store. Our team is here to help you keep moving with confidence.
